My Sky Rocketing Adventure

By, Kyleekylee.jpgDear Snowflake Diary,

Today was the day I have been waiting for! I’m finally heavy enough to drop out of this place. I’m scared of heights though.. But the time came and I dropped. I was so scared but on my way down I bumped into my best friend literally. I wasn’t alone anymore. She definitely comforted me. So on “our” way down we bumped into a couple more friends, it was huge. Well the time came and we finally were 10 feet from the city of Flagstaff, Arizona. Until a drift of wind came that took us to where all of the heat was… Whitman, Arizona one of the most down drenching hot places in the state. As we flew in someone caught us and brought us into the house and put us in the freezer? I think that’s what this thing was called! But not too long after that my Best friend started turning blue… then the others.. then me and then POOF!! we were all gone.


Snowflake Adventure


By, Janet

Dear diary,

It was 10:30 am. Ring! Ring! “It’s my birthday and I can’t wait to get this day going!!” (Gets dressed) (Goes downstairs)

“Surprise, Happy Birthday!”

“Awee thanks guys!” I said in appreciation.

“Well what should we do first birthday girl?”

The excitement that I remember was amazing and I knew it was going to be a good day.

But…I had forgotten that it was my turn to fall down onto the surface and everyone was so energetic. It was 4:15 pm and when my day was over and I was exhausted, I got home and my mom was waiting for me with her arms crossed.

“You were suppose to come home to take your turn!” my mom yelled. As I was falling I was thinking about all the things I should e thankful for. That’s when my friend bumped me and I changed my shape. I got eaten by a birthday girl and that was the end.


By, VJ

Dear Diary,

Today I wanted to go out into the world today to see what its like. Remember this day: Monday, December 20, 2015 because today will be the best day of my life!

As I started going down with my friend Tom, we saw that we had a long way down so we just talked to pass time by. Tom was a little scared but I’m adventurous so I just told him, “We can do this!”

We started turning cold and into snowflakes also, we were slowing down as we were forming. I told Tom he looked like a star; he said I looked like a star too.

Tom and I were almost to the ground! We could see the world – it was so beautiful!

“Here we go!”

I landed on a car as it was driving away. I could feel the wind! This was definitely the greatest experience of my life! Oh and Tom landed on the ground.