The BIG Day

By: AJsnowflakes_png7545

Dear diary,

Today is the day! It was winter break. It was the last day of snowflake school. Tomorrow is the first day of the BIG jump! I can’t wait!

The next day… Today is the day I get to jump off the cloud. Like always, I start as a water droplet and almost halfway down I turn into a snowflake. My family and friends jump off together. My mom said, “On the count of three!” We all jumped off together. “This is awesome!” I said. I landed on the tip of a snowman’s nose. Next thing you know a rabbit comes and takes the carrot off of the snowman. That was the end of me.




By, Sam

Dear Diary,

Today was a crazy, I said crazy day. It started out with me waking up not in my bed, I was somewhere cold, somewhere blue with white polka dots. I kept looking around I looked down and…


There was green stuff and things that seem so close. Then I was like right next to it. It had weird things on it I could see myself in it.

‘’I look hot!’’

Finally, I hit a big thing with pointy things. Then I saw my friend Lilly. We both jumbled down and hit the ground. We were laughing, having a snowball fight. A few hours later I started getting really hot. A bright thing appeared and I was dripping and then I slowly stated to get smaller and smaller until I wasn’t even there.

Snowflake’s Long Journey


By, Adam

Hello, my name is Snowflake and this is the story of my 18th birthday. On your 18th birthday all parents kick out their kids. This is the story of my trip down to earth.

Many of my friends did not make it all the way down to earth; many of them did not make it all the way down to the ground because it was a very hot winter for us snowflakes. My friends and I ended up getting lost on the way down because we were not prepared for our long trip down. We were expecting it to be a short trip but we ended up miles from where are drop zone was supposed to be. I finally landed on something! It was a car! We kept on going for about a mile until he finally turned on his wipers and knocked off of his windshield. I was finally on my way to the drop zone when I fell onto another car! I realized when I fell of this car I became a snowball and was thrown about 50 feet into a sewer. As I began to melt I panicked. There was nothing I could do. I melted and evaporated and went back to the cloud to start my long and fun journey all over again…

Furious Snowflake


By, Hannah

Dear diary,

Today I know I’m going to die. I’ve known this for awhile, of course it would happen I’m a raindrop and it’s the coldest day of the month. I can feel myself filling up with more and more water, anytime now I’ll plunge to the earth and melt. I’ve always been scared of this moment because no one can stop what happens naturally. Here I go falling down, down, down. There’s the place I’m going to die, but for some reason it become’s brighter and brighter like snow like the snowflake I became. I’ve landed it’s slightly colder down here, I see many snowflakes too but they’re not quite the same. I’m happy here and I know I always will be.

Life of a Snow Flake



By, Tyler

Through all the years of school I finally graduated high school. My momma cloud and papa cloud have done so much for me over the years. But sadly, I have to go on my own now. As raindrops it is our tradition to leave the house once you turn 18. Some of my friends and I were thinking that we should jump at the same time. So we all said our goodbyes and on the count of 3 we all jumped! Surprisingly lots of people from school jumped as well! 3, 2, 1, JUMP! I yelled. My friends and I help hands all the way down until I felt a big chill, we all turned into snowflakes! We gradually glided all the way down until we landed on a big evergreen filled with most of our classmates.

Snowflake Adventure


By, Janet

Dear diary,

It was 10:30 am. Ring! Ring! “It’s my birthday and I can’t wait to get this day going!!” (Gets dressed) (Goes downstairs)

“Surprise, Happy Birthday!”

“Awee thanks guys!” I said in appreciation.

“Well what should we do first birthday girl?”

The excitement that I remember was amazing and I knew it was going to be a good day.

But…I had forgotten that it was my turn to fall down onto the surface and everyone was so energetic. It was 4:15 pm and when my day was over and I was exhausted, I got home and my mom was waiting for me with her arms crossed.

“You were suppose to come home to take your turn!” my mom yelled. As I was falling I was thinking about all the things I should e thankful for. That’s when my friend bumped me and I changed my shape. I got eaten by a birthday girl and that was the end.



By, Alexus

Winter is coming soon

Ice skating is fun, “Let’s go”!

New Year’s is coming soon

Tick tock the clock is ticking to 12 o’ clock

Everyone is singing Christmas carols

River is freezing


Snow balls are being thrown

Nut cracking are marching away, “March March”

Outside is as cold as the North Pole

Winter snow is falling to the ground like a person falling off a chimney

The Big Day!


By, Cheri

Dear Diary,

It’s finally the day, the day that I get to go explore the world with my sisters Abby, Kaydra, Arizona, and my little brother Nathan. I am so excited to finally leave! We ate some breakfast and pushed out our crystal points.

“The clouds are getting ready to push us out guys!”  Kaydra said with excitement.

We all jumped on the count of three.  First we were all a little droplet of water, but as we went down we all turned into beautiful snowflakes.

“This is so fun!” Arizona said.

“Hey look, there are others falling as well!” I yelled.

As we fell we saw more snowflakes falling too. “I don’t ever want to land, this is too much fun!” Abby yelled.

“Yeah, me neither, I want to stay in the air forever, it’s so nice up here!” Nathan exclaimed.

We all landed together on a huge pile of snow. That’s where we all live now.

Snowflake Diary


By, Tristan

Dear Diary,

Today my older sister jumped off of the cloud and my parents told me that she is not coming back home for a very long time. They said that next year they are going to jump with me all the way down, and whatever’s down there I’m ready for it right now!

“Sorry for over reacting mom, I just want to be with my big sister,” I said to my mom.

But my parents won’t allow it. They said I have to wait until I’m older. So until then I wait to jump!

My Snowflake Life

By, Nanci

Dear Diary,

I woke up ready to transform into a beautiful snowflake. It was the perfect day! It was cloudy and windy.

I fell from a high fat fluffy thing called a cloud. As I fell from the cloud little by little I was transforming into a snowflake. I looked at myself and Wow! I had spikes on each side which were pointy. My body was shape of a hexagon and my outside shape was a flower. I landed from the ground and I saw other snowflakes.Some snowflakes had different shapes like circles, triangle and diamonds. Other snowflakes had different sizes like some snowflakes don’t have spikes and other snowflakes are tiny or very huge. I met some snowflakes and we became friends. They told me that they really like my spikes and we started to play. We had a lot fun.

My favorite part of playing is when we were flying place to place. When playing time was over we started to melt. I will never forget the day that I was a snowflake.