Snowflake Diary


By, Tristan

Dear Diary,

Today my older sister jumped off of the cloud and my parents told me that she is not coming back home for a very long time. They said that next year they are going to jump with me all the way down, and whatever’s down there I’m ready for it right now!

“Sorry for over reacting mom, I just want to be with my big sister,” I said to my mom.

But my parents won’t allow it. They said I have to wait until I’m older. So until then I wait to jump!

My Snowflake Life

By, Nanci

Dear Diary,

I woke up ready to transform into a beautiful snowflake. It was the perfect day! It was cloudy and windy.

I fell from a high fat fluffy thing called a cloud. As I fell from the cloud little by little I was transforming into a snowflake. I looked at myself and Wow! I had spikes on each side which were pointy. My body was shape of a hexagon and my outside shape was a flower. I landed from the ground and I saw other snowflakes.Some snowflakes had different shapes like circles, triangle and diamonds. Other snowflakes had different sizes like some snowflakes don’t have spikes and other snowflakes are tiny or very huge. I met some snowflakes and we became friends. They told me that they really like my spikes and we started to play. We had a lot fun.

My favorite part of playing is when we were flying place to place. When playing time was over we started to melt. I will never forget the day that I was a snowflake.


The Day of Change

By, Nick D.

Dear Journal,

Today was the day where all of us raindrops were going to turn into snowflakes. So, all my friends met up at my house then we all got told to jump! We all started to jump then we slowly turned into snowflakes. We all landed in the same yard and we were happy about that! Then, we walked around a little bit but then oh no! We saw kids that were coming to have a snowball fight right where we were! The kids picked us up and then started throwing us across the park. It was fun! Then, the kids started coming over to the same area where we were at then started building a snowman.

Yes, I’m Fine With This


By, Ry

Dear Family,

The day December 11, is the day I will fall. I can’t say that I’m not scared because I am. I will be leaving a life behind, so this is my way of saying bye. Before we take this ‘journey’, that’s what the elder snowflakes call it anyway, it’s more of a population control thing that the hold every ‘Winter’, but you already know this. I felt the need to tell you because I’m not rude, but rude enough to have not told you when the elders picked me, I didn’t want you guys to freak out and do something you would regret. Also, I am sorry I didn’t tell you guys in person, I know how you all say I  have a way with words but I and you know that it would’ve been too much for me and I couldn’t get out what I needed to say clearly. But there is an upside to this ‘wonderful’ event as you guys may know, some do get out alive and come back up through the water cycle, whatever that is.

Love, Ivan

A Snowflake’s Day


By, “Spencer Hastings”

Dear Diary,

Today’s the day we got to leave the cloud! We all lined up and waited for Jerry to give us instructions. Jerry told us the most important thing was avoiding human tongues. Finally it came time to leave the cloud! Oh, by the way, I’m Ezra.

We all jumped from the cloud and while I was falling I met someone new. His name was Cecil and by the time we met we were snowflakes! He told me that he always wanted to be a snowflake and he was so happy that today was the day.

We landed in a yard that has three kids. We landed on the head of a snowman. We were there for a while until one of the kids took the head and started a snowball fight. I saw Cecil when our snowballs passed each other. He looked like he was having a lot of fun. I hope we’re here for a while.

My Life As a Snowflake


By, Megan

Dear Diary,

It was such a cold, freezing day when I dropped from the clouds. I look to both my sides and see all my friends with me.

My name’s Unique, and I’m not like the other snowflakes. As I slowly make my way down, down, down, I take on different shapes. The wind changes my shape multiple times. Bumping into my friends also changes how I look. I can hear all my companions screaming with glee, as the breeze pushes us around.

Am I happy to be a snowflake?

I don’t really know. My life until this point has been pretty dull. I wonder what’s going to happen to me once I hit the ground. Will I live alongside the humans in peace? Will I get stepped on? Who knows, anything’s possible.

The ground is approaching at an alarming rate. Suddenly I want to go back into the cloud., live another drab day in my life. I wish I could turn back right now!

All my days alive have added up to this moment. I take a deep breath and let go.

I’m not scared anymore. I have accepted my fate. I take a finally look down and close my eyes.

SPLAT! I’m gone.


By, VJ

Dear Diary,

Today I wanted to go out into the world today to see what its like. Remember this day: Monday, December 20, 2015 because today will be the best day of my life!

As I started going down with my friend Tom, we saw that we had a long way down so we just talked to pass time by. Tom was a little scared but I’m adventurous so I just told him, “We can do this!”

We started turning cold and into snowflakes also, we were slowing down as we were forming. I told Tom he looked like a star; he said I looked like a star too.

Tom and I were almost to the ground! We could see the world – it was so beautiful!

“Here we go!”

I landed on a car as it was driving away. I could feel the wind! This was definitely the greatest experience of my life! Oh and Tom landed on the ground.

Serene Snowflake


By, Christi L.

Dear diary,

The day was coming for when I was supposed to fall from the skies. I was getting heavier and heavier as each day passed. I couldn’t hold on to this cloudy life much longer. I had to let go. It was time for my descent.

I let go of the fluffy white cloud in the sky and fell. I fell for a straight minute that seemed like an hour. Then, it got colder. I felt something change.

My water body was frozen to the touch. I sprouted long icicles from my droplet body. I was no longer the Remy I used to be. I was a changed snowflake.

When I finally hit the ground, I felt at peace with myself.

Then I saw her… with her beautiful crystal body and her sparkling blue eyes. She was gorgeous.

Then, the giant shovel truck with the blinking lights came and took me away from her forever.

I never saw her again.

The Day That Changed My Life



By, Leah

Dear Diary,

That day changed my life forever. The day I was abruptly shoved out of my house and into the empty, chilly sky. As I fell I remember thinking that this happens to every little water droplet and that there was nothing to be afraid of.

But I was scared.

What would happen to me? Would I make it or would I melt the second I hit something?

As I fell I could feel myself start to harden and crystallize. Below me I could see little squares, the houses within a community. I kept crystallizing, adding little crystals to the ones I already had.

Finally I hit the ground. I’m still alive! Around me I see other snowflakes falling.

But no, this was just the beginning. Afterwards, I felt myself being picked up! Then I felt a huge amount of pressure and then I felt myself flying through the air. All the other snowflakes had combined with me. I just kept getting bigger.

First a snowball!

Then a footprint!

And then a huge snow bank!

I was huge!


And do you know what else I was?


Yours  truly,

Denny the Snowflake