By Anthony C.

Review of Percy Jackson Sea Of Monsters by Rick Riordan. The story is a fictional fantasy placed in a modern-day setting. It’s a first-person story told by the main character Percy. It’s a very light-hearted fun story because of the way the characters are and how the story is written. The story is about a boy named Percy that has to go on a journey to save camp half-blood with his half-brother cyclops and his friend Annabeth. I really liked the book because of how interested I was with reading it. The main character is Percy is an interesting character because he is a demigod which comes with pros and cons making him an interesting character. Also, he is a bold and collective character. I know this because he says “I balled my fists. I hope my face wasn’t turning red as it felt.” This shows he’s not afraid to stand up for himself and his friends. Also, it says”No I promised, gritting my teeth. Matt Sloan is the Freak.” Also giving more evidence that he’s not afraid to stick up for his friend. The main idea is to have faith and never give up. The book is part of a series and was put into movie form. I would recommend this to teens and I give it a 7 out of 10 gods because of its good coming of age and a good decision-making story.

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